The 3rd online meeting of DIGGING Project was held online on the 28th of March 2023.

After each partner gave an update on how they are doing with the development of their tasks, we were able to discuss the evolution of the creation of our In-service training for teachers, which offers customized resources based on digital skills gaps.

In addition, the partners explained how they are progressing with the pilot phases in which they can see how the questionnaires are being carried out in their countries. 
Each partner presented their update on the pilot phase and on the development of their part of the in-service training that is being developed to help the target group to improve their digital skills.

Regarding the management and implementation activities, we continue to develop activities to disseminate the project, and a number of social networks have been established. In addition, each time a meeting is held, a satisfaction questionnaire is created and filled out by all partners to report on the quality of the project and the meetings.